Donate to and Support
Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Would you like to donate to charities of Indigenous peoples in Canada, and learn other ways to offer your support?
Here you can quickly find
ways to donate to Indigenous organizations in Canada!
You can also find ways
to give support through experiences such as:
- attending a powwow
- visiting a cultural center
- going on a guided walk/snowshoe/paddle
-eating at an Indigenous restaurant
- staying at an Indigenous hotel
- learning how to speak an Indigenous language
- and more!
This site was made by me, Matthew Dickson, in 2024, when one day I realized I couldn't name one Indigenous charity in Canada even after living in this country for 53 years.
Many people I have asked couldn't name one charity either.
For many years we have heard about problems on reserves or other Indigenous issues, and often they end with no ways to help mentioned.
I thought that there must be charities that are helping, and that many people would donate to them if they simply knew where to go!
I discovered that there are hundreds of Indigenous charities in Canada! So I decided to make this site to make it easier for people to find them!
This site also includes other ways to support Indigenous peoples in Canada, such as attending powwows or visiting cultural centers.
If anyone has any suggestions to make this site better, please reach out to me!
Please check out my fundraiser for Indigenous youth legal fees on my home and apparel shop here:
And check out my mental health website here: