Donate to these Indigenous organizations in Canada!
Many charities (over 500!) listed here across Canada by province and other filters
https://waterfirst.ngo Water First is Canada’s leading charity dedicated to working in partnership with Indigenous communities to address local water challenges through education, training and meaningful collaboration.
https://truenorthaid.ca/donate True North Aid provides practical humanitarian assistance through initiatives established on eight foundational stones of support. These include self-determination, reconciliation, water, food, health, housing, culture and education.
https://irfund.ca/en/donate Indigenous-led healing and reconciliation for communities and families across Canada
https://legacyofhope.ca/donate The Legacy of Hope Foundation (LHF) is a national, Indigenous-led, charitable organization that has been working to promote healing and Reconciliation in Canada for more than 19 years.
https://reconciliationcanada.ca/donate Reconciliation Canada, an Indigenous-led organization, began in 2012 with a bold vision to promote reconciliation by engaging Canadians in dialogue that revitalizes the relationships between Indigenous peoples and all Canadians in order to build vibrant, resilient and sustainable communities.
https://downiewenjack.ca/support-us The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund aims to build cultural understanding and create a path toward reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
https://caan.ca/support CAAN has over 2 decades of history as an incorporated non-profit organization whose mandate has evolved from a primary HIV and AIDS focus to include STBBI, Hepatitis C, Tuberculosis, Harm Reduction, Mental Health, and Aging.
https://www.ncct.on.ca/donations Native Canadian Centre of Toronto is a membership-based, charitable organization located in the heart of downtown Toronto in a beautifully renovated heritage building. NCCT offers a wide range of programs and services based on Indigenous cultural traditions and teachings.
https://njt.net Not Just Tourists encourages travelers to bring suitcases filled with medical supplies that a charity can then try to donate to hospitals and clinics in the areas where tourists will visit. Indigenous communities located in the northern parts of the country have especially benefited from the Not Just Tourists initiative.
Youth and Family:
https://fncaringsociety.com/donate The Caring Society stands with First Nations children, youth and families so they have equitable opportunities to grow up safely at home, be healthy, get a good education and be proud of who they are.
https://www.nicafv.ca/en/donations Promoting safe family environments in our Indigenous communities
since 2002.https://indigenousyouthroots.ca (formerly Canadian Roots Exchange) We envision a future
where Indigenous youth are empowered and connected as dynamic leaders in vibrant and thriving communities.
https://sewonfire.com Ontario-based Sew on Fire Ministries has donated clothing items and diapers to birthing centers in Indigenous communities in Canada and has a presence in Indigenous youth circles where it teaches empowering skills, such as crocheting and knitting.Justice and Rights:
https://www.itk.ca/donate The National Representational Organization Protecting and Advancing the Rights and Interests of Inuit in Canada
https://raventrust.com/donate RAVEN is a registered charity with a mission to raise funds for Indigenous People's access to justice.
https://nwac.ca/donate We are a National Indigenous Organization that defends the rights, delivers programming to, and amplifies the perspectives of Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people in Canada, inclusive of First Nations – on and off reserve, status and non-status, disenfranchised – Métis, and Inuit.
https://www.artforaid.ca/donate-art-supplies The Art For Aid Project works to support Canadian First Nations, Inuit and Metis art and cultural education programs through access to quality program supplies, awareness and fundraising efforts.
Bringing Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Together:
https://honouringindigenouspeoples.com/hip-honouring-indigenous-peoples/donate Bringing Indigenous & non-Indigenous peoples
together for community well-being and advancing the next generation of leaders.https://mcc.org/get-involved/volunteer/indigenous-neighbors In Canada, the Indigenous Neighbours programs strives to build respectful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.
https://indigenousawarenesscanada.com Teaches Indigenous and non-Indigenous people about the histories and cultures of First Nations. Offers in-person workshops and online courses.
https://www.iworks.org/kocihta We work with companies and organizations to strengthen their performance and results in Indigenous employment, workplace engagement and inclusion.
https://indspire.ca Indspire is a national Indigenous registered charity that invests in the education of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people for the long term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada.
https://www.ilovefirstpeoples.ca/donate I Love First Peoples empowers Indigenous children and youth to succeed through education and the motivation to stay in school. We bridge communities through practical projects that promote reconciliation and education.
https://habitat.ca/en/ways-to-give/indigenous-housing-partnership The Indigenous Housing Partnership partners with local Habitat for Humanities across Canada to help create safe and decent places to live for Indigenous families and communities through both affordable homeownership and other housing solutions.